トップページ >OMRON Corporation Integrated Report 2013

OMRON Corporation Integrated Report 2013
■発行月 / 2013年7月 ■総ページ数 / 108P
■業種 / 電気機器
■従業員数 / 10001人以上
■売上高 / 5001億~1兆 ■本社所在地 / 京都府
■言語 / 英語(Engl.) ■登録日 / 2013/11/12
The report, celebrating the 80th anniversary of Omron’s founding this year, narratively depicts Omron’s decades-old asset of sensing and control technology, and envisions new value-creation challenges the company is taking on, with a prologue interview with the President.
With more non-financial ESG information (Environment, Society, and Governance), the report features practical, on-site ESG stories linked with financial data, so that all the stakeholders will enjoy the jubilee issue.


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