We would like to inform you that we have begun preventive road closures on Expressway under our jurisdiction to prevent large-scale vehicle back-ups due to heavy snowfall.
For information on road closures, please check iHighway Central Japan (NEXCO CENTRAL).
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
*Please note that at this time, there are no plans for preventive road closures other than in the closed sections, but road closures may occur depending on future intensification of snowfall, accidents, etc. In such cases, we will notify you separately.
*Please note that parallel national highways and Expressway outside our jurisdiction may also be closed, so please check the latest traffic information.
(Attachment) Sections where preventive road closures have commenced


■Click here to see the areas where snowfall is predicted.
■Please check the latest traffic information before heading out.
・ iHighway Central Japan (NEXCO CENTRAL)
・ Japan Road Traffic Information Center (JARTIC)
・ Expressway Impact Information Site
・ Snow Removal Navigator
■Notices to customers are posted here.
NEXCO CENTRAL Official X (formerly Twitter)
[Tokyo, Kanagawa (Tomei Ken-O Road Ken-O Expressway Chigasaki JCT ~ Sagamihara), Shizuoka (Tomei Expressway east of Toyokawa, Shin-Tomei Expressway Expressway east of Shinshiro, Chubu-Chubu Odan Expressway south of Tomizawa) area]
・ Tokyo Regional Head Office official account
[Tokyo (Chuo Expressway, Ken-O Ken-O Road Sagamihara to Akiruno), Yamanashi (Chuo Expressway east of Ihoku, Chubu-Chubu Odan Expressway north of Rokugo), Nagano (Chuo Expressway east of Ihoku, Nagano Expressway south of Azumino) areas]
・ Hachioji Regional Head Office official account
[Tokai 3 Prefectures (Shin-Tomei Expressway Shinshiro or west, Tomei Toyokawa or west, Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway Shirakawa-go or south), Nagano (Chuo Expressway Ihoku or west), Shiga (Hokuriku Expressway Kinomoto or south) area]
Nagoya Regional Head Office official account
[Three Hokuriku prefectures, Shiga (north of Kinomoto on Hokuriku Expressway and Maiwaka Road), Gifu (north of Shirakawa-go on Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway) area]
・ Kanazawa Regional Head Office official account
