トップページ > 報告書検索結果一覧 >Epson Group Sustainability Report 2013

Epson Group Sustainability Report 2013
■発行月 / 2013年7月 ■総ページ数 / 60P
■業種 / 電気機器
■従業員数 / 10001人以上
■売上高 / 1兆以上 ■本社所在地 / 長野県
■言語 / 英語(Engl.) ■登録日 / 2013/08/06
This report describes the thoughts of the employees who are actually carrying out the activities of CSR. We use their own words, to the extent possible, in order to allow them to convey their thoughts directly to our stakeholders.
The feature article titled “Epson’s DNA” describes how our compact, energy-saving, and high-precision technologies and mind-set, which have taken shape over 70 years in business, live on in our manufacturing and skills development and how they inform our environmental contributions and the creation of customer value.


新光電気 サステナビリティレポート2023
富士通テングループ CSR報告書2017 詳細版