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Hitachi Global

Social Innovation

Where business professionals can find insights for solutions to social challenges.

Hitachi Highlights

About Us

The Hitachi group is the global leader in digital innovation and sustainable solutions. For over 110 years, we have solved social challenges through technology, data, partnerships, and innovation and we have earned the trust of our customers. We have transformed our business to accelerate the global transformation to a smart, sustainable and better future for all.

Products & Solutions

Find everything you need for your digital transformation.


For over 100 years, Hitachi has been actively solving the challenges facing society, led by our founding mission to “contribute to society through
the development of superior, original technology and products".

Careersopens in a new tab

The most rewarding thing about being part of the Hitachi family is our ability to make tangible contributions to society.

Investor Relations

See our financial results, our Integrated Report, and further details about our management policies, stock & bond information and news for investors.

Press Releases

See the latest announcements from the Hitachi global press team.

Company Directory

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