- For those who use Joban Expressway (in Fukushima Prefecture)
- About free measures with nuclear power plant accident
- About free measures of Expressway disaster volunteer vehicle
- About the ground surface collapse accident near the construction site of the Tokyo outer ring road (Kan-etsu-Tomei)
- Please be aware of [ETC Usage Inquiry Service], [ETC Personal Card Web Service], [ETC Mileage Service], and phishing sites and suspicious emails pretending to be from our company.
- Beware of suspicious calls claiming to be from NEXCO EAST
Important things to tell customers
What's New
- 2025年03月02日Noticeお客さまへの大切なお知らせ
3月3日(月)から5日(水)の大雪予報に伴う予防的通行止め実施の可能性について合同記者会見を実施しました【関東地方整備局・NEXCO東日本関東支社合同発表】 - 2025年03月02日Noticeお客さまへの大切なお知らせ
東北地方 3月3日から5日頃にかけての降雪ついて【東北地方整備局・NEXCO東日本東北支社合同発表】 - 2025年03月01日Noticeお客さまへの大切なお知らせ