NEXCO中日本 企業情報サイト


Notice of preventive road closure due to heavy snow
We are safe Expressway Will continue to be provided to customers.
Without sacrificing the Sasago Tunnel ceiling plate accident, all employees take action with the highest priority on customer safety, based on a deep reflection and a strong determination that such accidents must never occur again. .
  • About the Sasago Tunnel accident
  • “Five Initiatives Policy” for Improving Safety
  • Safer and Easier Travel on the Expressway Safer and Easier Travel on the Expressway Safer and Easier Travel on the Expressway 

  • Safer and Easier Travel on the Expressway Safer and Easier Travel on the Expressway Safer and Easier Travel on the Expressway 

  • Safer and Easier Travel on the Expressway Safer and Easier Travel on the Expressway Safer and Easier Travel on the Expressway 

We are safe Expressway Will continue to be provided to customers.
Without sacrificing the Sasago Tunnel ceiling plate accident, all employees take action with the highest priority on customer safety, based on a deep reflection and a strong determination that such accidents must never occur again. .
  • About the Sasago Tunnel accident
  • “Five Initiatives Policy” for Improving Safety
