トップページ >SCREEN Group Annual Report 2023(Integrated Report)

SCREEN Group Annual Report 2023(Integrated Report)
■発行月 / 2023年9月 ■総ページ数 / 92P
■業種 / 電気機器
■従業員数 / 5001人~10000人
■売上高 / 5001億~1兆 ■本社所在地 / 京都府
■言語 / 英語(Engl.) ■登録日 / 2023/11/09
Since 2010, our Annual Reports have integrated financial and non-financial information for the purpose of more comprehensively reporting our corporate activities from a medium- to long-term perspective. We place the utmost importance on this report as a tool for creating dialogue with our shareholders, investors, and all other stakeholders. This year, our theme, “We have the power to change the world,” remains unchanged from the previous year, and a special emphasis is being placed on creating coherence and narrative relevance with the specialized value creation process and material issues. In the run up to the 80th anniversary of the Company’s incorporating, starting with the Group’s redefined corporate philosophy (purpose) for further sustainable growth, the report explains the outline of our Management Grand Design. It then details the Group’s activities with a focus on where the Group should be in the next 10 years from the perspective of the four material issues.


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