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Thanks to all of our stakeholders, the NEC Group is now celebrating 125 years of business. Our customers, suppliers, partners, investors, and local communities have placed their trust in us to continue creating a new future through the development of ICT. I believe that this is the result of the efforts of every member of the NEC Group to co-create in cooperation with our stakeholders. Our Purpose states that "NEC creates the social values of safety, security, fairness and efficiency to promote a more sustainable world where everyone has the chance to reach their full potential." This commitment is an integral part of NEC’s history and DNA, and serves as a compass for our activities going forward.

Management for Sustainability

The NEC Way is a common set of values that form the basis for how the entire NEC Group conducts itself. NEC is promoting sustainability management in accordance with the following basic principles based on the NEC Way.

  • Contribute to Solving Social Issues through Our Business Activities
  • Strengthen Risk Management and Enforce Compliance
  • Promote Communication with Stakeholders


As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility, NEC seeks to reduce environmental impacts in its own business activities.At the same time, it is carrying out" environmental management″that contributes to reducing the environmental impacts of society as a whole through providing products and services.


Based on the NEC Way,we are working to develop human resources and an organizalional culture that are able to continuously create value for society, constantly acting from a customer-oriented perspective with a high sense of ethical value and a deep understanding of the essential issues faced by customers and sodety.


In its Principles, NEC subscribes to "Uncompromising Integrity and Respect for Human Rights,"and conducts continuous companywide activities involving everyone from officers to employees with management firmly based on compliance.

Appendices and Data Collection

You can see the Major ESG Data here.
Information Security Report 2024
The NEC Group’s Purpose
NEC Group Policy
NEC Group Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
NEC Initiatives for Contributing to the Achievement of the SDGs
Corporate Citizenship Initiatives
NEC Group AI and Human Rights Principles


Press Releases

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