The Future
Comes from Trust.
Waste management, the core of our group’s business,
cannot exist without the trust of our customers and
local communities.
Material Issues (Materiality)
This is an introduction of the material issues (materiality) the Daiei Kankyo Group has identified to ensure sustained growth while contributing to the resolution of social issues.
The Daiei Kankyo Group’s Material Issues (Materiality)
ESG Activities
We undertake measures to build
more sophisticated resource
recycling systems.We are committed to
resolving issues that emerge
in society over the medium to long term.We work to strengthen our corporate
governance initiatives and
actively disclose financial and
non-financial information.
Facility Maintenance Information(JP)
The Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act requires installers of industrial waste treatment facilities to disclose information on the maintenance and management of such facilities via the Internet and other media.
Transportation Safety Management(JP)
With our Safety and Health Philosophy in mind, all employees recognize that ensuring transportation safety is of the utmost importance, and are united in their efforts to improve the safety of transportation.
Achieving the SDGs
In 2018, the Daiei Kankyo Group established Our SDG Commitment, which expresses our pledge to make and implement good-faith agreements on SDGs. We will continue to work to achieve our SDG targets, taking pride and responsibility in the fact that our business operations are integral to the realization of a sustainable society.
The Daiei Kankyo Group has been issuing environmental reports since 2006. We believe that by making as many of our stakeholders as possible aware of our various business activities to date through this report, we can increase the corporate value and trust of the Daiei Kankyo Group.
We will continue to disclose information in an effort to communicate with all of our stakeholders, with the aim of further improving our corporate value and creating value for society.
Integrated Report 2024
Integrated Report 2024 Daiei Kankyo Group Non-financial data for FY2024/3 Sustainability Report 2023 *The English version of the report is not available in paper format.
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