トップページ >TOSHIBA Environmental report 2013
TOSHIBA Environmental report 2013
■発行月 / 2013年9月 ■総ページ数 / 74P
■業種 / 電気機器
■従業員数 / 10001人以上
■売上高 / 1兆以上 ■本社所在地 / 東京都
■言語 / 英語(Engl.) ■登録日 / 2014/01/09
This report is published to provide detailed environmental information on Toshiba Group to all stakeholders of the Group. The content of this year’s edition was expanded to include information on the progress of the Fifth Environmental Action Plan, as well as on new initiatives to mitigate climate change and use resources effectively at production sites and at the product level, conserve biodiversity and promote environmental communication, and step up environmental management. Additional information will also be provided on Toshiba’s website as it becomes available.
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