• Sustainability


The Nomura Real Estate Group’s Stance on Sustainability

Purpose of our sustainability policy

We have formulated Earth Pride, a Group sustainability policy that is our vision for 2050. We aim to seize growth opportunities amidst changes in management and business environments brought on by shared global problems like climate change and worsening natural disasters, and people’s diversifying values.

Sustainability Policy
(the Group’s vision of 2050)

  • Pursuing humanity

    We strive to answer the deep questions of human existence and well-being in a world where technology is increasingly progressing and being integrated into our lives. By providing an inclusive living environment where people support and connect with each other, we contribute to the creation of a society where no one will be left behind.

  • Maintaining harmony with nature

    Our aim is to achieve true harmony with our natural environment for our future children and healthy ecosystems by reconsidering how human economic activities should operate.
    While carefully conserving the Earth's finite resources, we improve the relationship between nature and humans.

  • Building the future together

    The ambition we have is to create unprecedented value from diverse organizations and people working together to overcome boundaries. We are continuously challenging ourselves with novel ideas of living, business and working styles for an innovative society where all people with various backgrounds and values can build on their strengths.

Priority issues for 2030

To become the company we want to be by 2050, we have set five priority issues to solve by 2030 that take into account society and employees,
and climate change and the natural environment.

Society and Employees

  • Diversity &

  • Human rights

Climate Change and the Natural Environment

  • Decarbonization

  • Biodiversity

  • Circular Design

Information for ESG Investors

Nomura Real Estate Holdings strives to provide ESG investors and evaluation organizations
with Group non-financial information concerning the environment,
society and governance in compliance with standard guidelines.

ESG portal


Mori wo Tsunagu TOKYO project

The Nomura Real Estate Group aims to maintain harmony with nature by using wood from trees grown in its Tsunagu Mori forest in its business activities.